Friday, January 20, 2012

Psalm 143:7 -8 - a bit of a ramble at best!!

Wow!! Did this speak to me this morning?!?!?!?! (Not so much the depresssing part as the "Show me where to walk part!!" )
As I was perusing Pinterest like I'm prone to do, oh, say about 20 hours aday...I found this picture. I knew it was a Psalm but I had no idea which one. So, instead of doing the "smart" thing, I did the "Jennifer" thing, I read every 7th verse of every Psalm - and it took me a while -and I did eventually Google it because I have a NIV Bible so it was worded different and I didn't catch it when I was reading. But when I did figure it out I actually already had it underlined in my Bible. Now that in itself speaks volumes to me, but what is really cool about this - while I was ready every 7th verse of every Psalm - just about every one related to my life!!! God's ways are amazing. I'll admit...I'm not a "lover" of the Psalms - as of yet...because usually they confuse me!! I totally own up to that. David totally has his own way of writing that sometimes I just don't get it...but then there's the time when God opens my mind and I actually "get it!!" and it's totally like a light bulb! And this was one of those times!! My Bible reading this morning talked about being able to discern His word - If you're feeling adventurous read Matthew 13:24-46 - its The Parable of The Weeds. I bet He'll open your mind too!!

Oh yeah!! Today is Friday and I'm so glad about that!! My crazy husband woke up at 2:00 am to go duck hunting so we'll see what kind of great mood he's in this evening!! Especially since at about 9:30 they had killed no ducks!! The Princess of course has plans and I have a party to go to tonight so we'll see what the boys have planned to get into to!! I love the weekend!! (Who doesn't?) So I hope ya'll have a good one!!

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