Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jilly's 11th Birthday!!

Well the Princess did it "up right" for her birthday this year!! This girl has her daddy and I wrapped up tight like a $2 drum!! Not one but FOUR birthday celebrations starting weekend before last with a trip to Shreveport to Buffalo Wild Wings and the Krewe of Highlands Mardi Gras parade!! We met my sister Toni, my neice Kayci, and nephew Caleb, along with Michael, Dash, and Shane Michael!! It was a family affair!
She has gotten to the age where we travel in "packs" and her and Lannise are about joined at the hip so naturally here they are together!! Awaiting our "wangs"!!

The first birthday party song!! Then onto the parade!! Which was freezing cold and we only had to wait about 3 hours for it to start!! 40 floats and we lasted through 15!!

Celebration #2 and party song (along with a little dessert smash to the face)!! Grandma took to us to lunch at our FAV restuarant El Jarritos in Ruston! LOVE LOVE LOVE the fajita nachos so it was  treat for mommy as well!! This trip included Bella (attached to the other hip) her brothers and daddy of course! Thank you Grandma from us all!!
Party #3!! SLEEP OVER!!! Just 3 friends this year!! (We missed you Madison and Sophie) but the two on the hips (Lannise and Bella) and an extra just in case (Kayle) partied it up as only four 10-12 year olds can do!!
Aren't they cute!! Not sure what's happening with Bells in this picture but it was the best of the group!!! Love having an 11 year old!! She got everything from baby dolls, Kidz Bop 21, speakers for her Ipod to jam out with, clothes and bows!!! An awesome mix of still a little girl and getting to be preteen!!! Such a great age!!

This was her cute cake with was almost all gone that night and then got finished off for breakfast!! We still love our Walmart cakes :) - those 2 layeres beauties are something else but these are delish - cheap - hardly any waste - and the $80 bucks I would have spent on one of those beauties got used to fullfill the Princess wish list!!
After we got all the cuties back home, onto celebration #4!!  We picked up the youngest brother (Really, Mom?? We have to go get him??) (Oldest brother was at his other parents for the night!) Jilly decides it's Logans for lunch!!
and another birthday song!!! Except they don't really sing to you - they announce it to the entire restuarant then give you a rowdy YEEHAW!!! which was really cute!!

Next stop pet store!!

Then onto the movies!!! 

We all loved this movie!! It's was super cute with no bad language and no "scenes" that required explantion!!!

Finally we called it a day!! Jilly went home, put on her pj's and chilled on the couch!!

 I hope she had a great time!! We all sure did!!